Ruby Rose


Bouquet of timeless elegance, showcasing a delicate blend of velvety pink and vibrant red roses in a stunning arrangement that captures the essence of romance.

  • Standard Size Includes 50 Roses
  • Deluxe Size includes 75 Roses add $65
  • Premium Size includes 100 Roses  add $170
  • * 

  • M-F: Order before 12:00 PM (ET) for same day flower delivery. Saturday: Order before 11:00 AM (ET) for same day flower delivery Sunday: Closed *WE OFFER FREE DELIVERY!!!*

    *Please make sure your recipient's Zipcode is in this list.

    Enter here your message and who signs the card

    When you order custom designs, they will be produced as closely as possible to the picture. Please remember that each design is custom made. No two arrangements are exactly alike and color substitutions of flowers may be necessary. Prices and availability of seasonal flowers may vary.

    Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient.


Check water level and add water daily. Changed water every other day to help your flowers last longer.


Cut the bottom of stems every two days to help your flowers get a fresh drink.


Display your flowers away from sun and draft,avoid extreme cold or heat.

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